Monday, November 14, 2011


I know this is late and out of order,but here are our Halloween costumes. Bub was Brobee, the little green one, from Yo Gabba Gabba. Soder was Mr. Clean and I was a dust bunny. I was originally going to be Mrs. Clean and wear a bald cap, but when I put it on instead of looking bald I looked more like a condom head, which I thought was not the best look for me! So my dust bunny costume took me, literally 30 minutes to do. I was way proud of myself an very happy to get to eat my hair that much! I loved it!


Last week, Bub and I headed down to Utah for a week. It was so wonderful to visit everyone and Bub had such a great time with all the attention everyone paid to him. There was even a day of snow, although I have the feeling Bub is more comfortable with the rain of the northwest!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sporting events abound

During the last month, I have been to two professional sporting events. I organized an "unofficial fall office party' for my work at the Mariners Games and I also attended another Sounders game. Both events were really fun because we sat where the 'real' fans sit, in the nosebleeds for the baseball games and by the south end of the stadium for the sounders game. 
My boys watching the Mariners

That is Bub's way of saying 'quit taking pictures of me, dad'
 I posted some of these pictures to my facebook, and I apologize if you saw them there, but I am still impressed with what the stadium does for the Sounders. It is the most impressive dedication by the fans I have ever seen at a sporting event. CRAZY!
Holding up their scarves as they wait for the team to enter the stadium

Thanks for inviting me!
The were both really fun and it just makes me wish I could afford to go to these events all the time. One day, One day.......

Zoo Birthday

Peguins are the best!

For my birthday, my boys took me to the zoo. I love the zoo because of all the animals (duh) and the fact that our nearest zoo is really nice. I don't feel bad for the animals there because their habitats are really nice (I know they probably aren't as nice as the real thing, but hey, they have to be close to the next best thing) It was a great day with lots of animals and a great time for everybody.
At the petting zoo portion
Who doesn't love a merry-go-round?

Absent minded

I am sorry. I have been absent.  (again) I know that this has been my excuse as of late, but it is what it is. I barely see my husband, and so unfortunately, my blog is a few rungs below that on my ladder of life.  Anyways, enough with the apologies. I have been busy with many things. And I promise that this weekend I will post lots and lots about them all.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The paternity test is IN!

This summer I have heard more people ask me, "Where does your boy get his blonde hair?" And even though it is hard to believe that my son's father is not Daniel Craig, Brad Pitt or Jude Law here is undeniable proof that Soder is the father. Way back in a different time, called the 80's, Soder actually HAD hair. And when that hair completely occupied his entire head he looked like this....
And this......
Keep in mind we were children of the eighties
 So when Bub looks like this:
Now you know where he gets it from.

Monday, September 12, 2011

31 is fast approaching, but lets focus on 32

Since my birthday is a week away, I have complied a list of things I would like to accomplish before my birthday in 2012. I believe I am the only women in the world that hasn't cared about dish patterns, or decorating styles, or bedding decor. My home has always just been put together. The 'styling' in it has no cohesion (honestly I don't believe there is any cohesion). I have been ok with this before, until I started realizing that next year I will be 32. (I know cart before the horse since I haven't turned 31 yet, but some things on the list will take time and money to complete so I better plan it out, right? Right!) So I have compiled a short list of a few things I need to work on before I turn 32, I would like to OWN a set of matching dishes that have NO chips out of them. (Sadly, my cupboard is filled with a hodgepodge of dishes given to us from many situations. I think I need to bite the bullet and buy a matching set.) This should include silverware. I have never bought a set of silverware. Ever. Again always given to us, and never matching.
A set of matching sheets with a coordinating comforter should be on this list. To complete this part, it would require a set of MATCHING pillowcases. (Unfortunately, this might mean I will have to 'retire' the old dinosaur pillowcase and set aside all 10 of my mismatched blue pillowcases.)
And lastly on my list of things to do in the next 372 days, I would love to have some cute decorations for our entertainment center. I think the candle holders are a bit weak and I know I could do better.
So there it is all laid out to sit and eat away at me for the next year: my goals before I am 32. (I am not excited about turning 31 this year so I think it is best to just skip over it and move on to the next.) So here is to 2012, may my home be pulled together with some sort of cohesion! Cheers! 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Guilty baggage of Summer

I have had guilt this summer. Lots of it. I have lost my blogging mojo and pretty much let it fall by the wayside. I have wanted to blog, but the inspiration and time haven't been there for me. (also after hearing that blogging is stupid from family members eventually it make you feel like it is a waste of time, even though I love it) I have had to go back to work part time (about 25 hours a week, which doesn't seem like much but apparently those 25 hours used to be used for my blog and all that it entailed (comments, blog stalking, etc.)) It has been hard to fit everything in, and so my poor little beloved blog has come to a screeching halt. (It has been demoted to remaining a quiet, fly under the radar blog that will never be a powerhouse like so many others.)(So I have guilt from a unloved blog.)

As for my job, (I have been working for this company since last year and just decided to pick up more hours.) I have enjoyed getting out of the house, but am sad that our situation has made it so. I am sure I am not alone when I say thing were getting really tight financially for us. It was getting to the point where we were pretty much barely making ends meet and there seemed to be a new bill every month that had to be paid. (In the last 6 months we have had our cars in the shop at least FIVE times usually costing us at least $100 every time with a couple of the times costing us over $400.)  It was pretty depressing and there was no easy solution anywhere on the horizon. I know there are people that are in worse situations than us, but MAN, I would really hate to be them because our situation was pretty gloomy. (So add Guilt from not being able to be financially comfortable . And the guilt of leaving Bub. Oh the guilt!)

Then of course, there was my mother and her health problems. I am happy to say that all her chemo treatments are completed. (And all her numbers are great so she is doing well) She is also in great spirits, but is still super tired which will just take a while to get over.  I wish I was in a better situation to fly down there (or drive) to spend time with her but, there hasn't be the funds or time to do either. She understands, but I still wish that things were different. (So add motherly GUILT squared!)

So to sum up, blog-guilt plus financial-guilt times parenting-guilt, with motherly-guilt squared equals Summer of Guilt!
Yeah, I am spent! I hope the Summer of Guilt is finally coming to an end. And hopefully that season will pass like the smoking hot temperatures that are roasting the Northwest. I am done with feeling in this gloomy rut. I am ready and recharged. And now (after this confessional blog post) felling pretty guilt-free.

Small Disclaimer: There is no real reason to worry about my mental well being (Mom I am looking at you!) Sometimes you just need to ramble on in a blog post. So no worrying about Moto! (Mom, I am still looking at you!) Everything is wonderful! :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sous-Chef Extraordinaire

Helping me shred cheese, or more specifically tasting it.

As this summer has begun to wind down, I have realized that Bub is getting so big. He now enjoys spending time with me in the kitchen. It usually only involves pulling all my cookie cutters out of my cabinet, followed by all our tuperware, but occasionally he also enjoys assisting me with actual cooking. Like last week, he was a great sous-chef while I was making pizza. Sure, it takes about 3 times as long, but I love his 'contribution' to the cause. He was very excited when he realized that cooking was about tasting as well. (especially tasting the cheese)  And standing on a chair next to Mama. And watching all the process along with listening to the awesome noise of the kitchen aid.  I am glad he enjoys the kitchen and hope that he continues to assist because it is always more fun to cook with someone.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Oh they grow up so fast.

Around 3 months
Around 9 months

15 months old.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Another parenting Gold Star!

After forcing him to try on a gently used (aka free) Halloween costume, we have come to the conclusion that Bub will probably NOT be a giraffe this year. Or maybe he will be a sad giraffe (there are sad giraffes in the world right?)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A simple day at the park

A Saturday with nothing to do
A nice day to visit the park
Then we let Bub go and be free at the park.
And what does he do after about 5 minutes of having freedom....
Falls face first into a mud puddle. (these pictures don't show his shirt, but trust me it was caked with mud pies.)
The only mud puddle at the entire park.
And what did his parents do? Ran after him but arrived 1/2 a second too late.
And after we helped him up and realized he was ok. We all laughed so hard we almost started crying.
A nice day to strip my child down to his diaper and put him in a mismatch shirt.
A quiet Saturday to bring my filthy child back home for an afternoon tub.
And I thought this would be an uneventful day.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Summer stuff

This summer has just flown by. We have done all sorts of things like this:
Park time on the sunny days....

Dragon Festival in Chinatown in Seattle. (I had always wanted to see a Dragon Dance and this one was great especially with the applause-hungry dragon dance teacher kept making the kids dance because the audience loved it. Did I mention it was really hot and they looked miserable, but hey anything for applause, right?)

Went to the Bite of Seattle and got out of our comfort zone for sure this year. The best thing was fried alligator and the homemade strawberry shortcake.

We have also been learning about parenting, of course. First rule of summer, always bring every member of the family their own water bottle because some of them drink open mouthed after eating strawberry shortcake. Yummy!

The other thing is to childproof everything. Even if they don't want to be. (don't worry, he has become a pro at removing these little buggers from the sockets. He thinks it is a game. I wish I could get my money back because it hasn't really child proofed anything.)

What have you been doing with your summer?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


As I scrolled through my recent posts I came to the realization that I am not who I used to be. While I used to scorn the blogs out there that only talked about their 'my-kid-is-cuter-than-your-kid' posts, I realize I have become one. While in my head I am so much more, in reality I am simply Baby/Bub's mom. All I do revolves around him and his antics. Most of my laughs during the day aren't from customers or something funny I read, it is from him and his little personality. And while I may never become a world famous blogger with tons of followers (which used to be a dream of mine.) I realize that this blog was never meant to be that. It was simply, humbly meant to show everyone the going on in my normal, everyday life (with maybe a little humor and wit along the way.) And so with that anticlimactic revelation, look that face... isn't it just precious?!

He makes this look too cool

Lounging by the pool on one of the 5 warm days this summer! Where did my little baby go? And I have no idea where he got all the attitude!

Monday, July 11, 2011


Bub's fun game that keeps me running around after him is he loves to get into the cupboard and feed the dogs cookies. I managed to grab a photo of him in the act. He doesn't look too guilty, I mean how can you think that he is doing anything wrong with a face like that. And I figure as long as it doesn't exceed 2 cookies per day, it is a lesson in sharing, right??

So this is normal right?

Bub decided he likes to wear the dog's collars as a crown on his head. Every so often he brings me one and once I put it on his head he happily toddles off.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Ickyness of the Northwest.

On Monday I went to work. When I came home this 'little' guy was there to greet me. Icky icky banana slug... and you can see that they are HUGE!!!!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Crackin me Up!

When Thing one and Thing Two need to go outside, Bub likes to stand at the window and do raspberries and blow fishes on the window. It seriously has me laughing outside while he is doing it. And the sound is all him. If you need a laugh today this will do it for you!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

One year old shots

It is hard to imagine how much this 23 pounds has changed my life. And the best thing about him is that he is all smiles and so happy! Sorry they are almost 2 months late, but better late than never. Thanks again to Mellor Photography for doing such a great job at capturing his cute personality!