Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sous-Chef Extraordinaire

Helping me shred cheese, or more specifically tasting it.

As this summer has begun to wind down, I have realized that Bub is getting so big. He now enjoys spending time with me in the kitchen. It usually only involves pulling all my cookie cutters out of my cabinet, followed by all our tuperware, but occasionally he also enjoys assisting me with actual cooking. Like last week, he was a great sous-chef while I was making pizza. Sure, it takes about 3 times as long, but I love his 'contribution' to the cause. He was very excited when he realized that cooking was about tasting as well. (especially tasting the cheese)  And standing on a chair next to Mama. And watching all the process along with listening to the awesome noise of the kitchen aid.  I am glad he enjoys the kitchen and hope that he continues to assist because it is always more fun to cook with someone.

1 comment: said...

What a great little taste tester. :)