Monday, August 31, 2009

What is wrong with this animal....

Most of my humor comes from my animals. Today, I saw Ratchet looking very intently into the cold oven to see what was in there. He proceeded to stare at it for about 3 minutes. He kept looking back at it ever time it looked away. He is such a puppy and such a goof .

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Who knew that there was so much fluff in some of those toys?

What is the funniest part is the one that looks guilty isn't the one that did most of it. Instead it was our little guy that loves to dig every last piece of stuffing out of what ever. Good times, and thankfully he is "helping" me lighten our moving load by ripping apart about one toy every day. At this rate, they will be getting all new toys by the time they move up with me.

Garage Sale

Last weekend, Travis and I held our first garage sale. We had packed up a bunch of stuff to give to charity, but then realized that we could make a little bit of money to help us with out move. So we took it up to my in-laws house and with a few hours later (and a few strategically placed signs) we started our morning off. It was funny to see all the "serious" garage salers come first. Then the stragglers at about ten. And finally the elderly at about 12:00. I think it is hysterical that people will pay money for stuff that we were going to throw away. It is true what they say about one man's junk....

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A whole new begining....

Yesterday I did it! I gave my two weeks notice. In a few short weeks I will be surrounded by other Seattle-ites. I can't wait. All I need now is a job, an apartment and a moving truck. :) (I actually won't need a moving truck because my fix-it-all dad is gracious enough to offer to tote all our crap on his trailer he has. Thanks, Dad! And my sister is nice enough to put me up in her house, so really all I need is a job)
The biggest hurdle we have actually had has been our parents. (God bless 'em, we love em, but we don't need the guilt trips.) So let me say this to all the "mothers" and "fathers" out there who think we are crazy: We know it is going to be hard. We firmly believe in sacrificing in order to get into a better situation. We know we are crazy to leave the life we have here in the 'Tah to move away with no jobs. We know that if this is a total disaster we will be once again living in the basement of our parents house. But we also know that we have to try. We have wanted to live there for ages and have really nothing keeping us here. (no house payment, no car payments, no kids, no huge bills.) We are only a phone call away or a $99 flight. :) So thanks for all the worry but we will be fine, really. :) That is a load off my chest, now back to the boxes....

Monday, August 17, 2009

Impromtu Weekend

This weekend, we went on a very speedy, tiring, road trip. We decided we would go up to Seattle for a few days. (we left on Thursday morning and 12 hours later were pulling into our Red Lion Hotel in Bellevue) We went up there to get away, but also to see what was up in the area. I lived up there for nine months about 7 years ago, and am desparate to go and live there again. Since our last vacation in January up there, we both decided we are ready to make the move. Um... just one small problem, we need jobs. (well in this economy it might be a tad harder to get) We are trying and then as soon as we get them we will say good bye 'Tah, hello Seattle. (I can't even think of a nickname for that city, it is too wonderful) Our plan is to get jobs and move. Any jobs... I might be your local barista, or bookseller. Anything to get us up there. I would be fine with that. Travis is even fine with having to take a job that isn't his job title of Graphic Designer. Yesterday, he was saying he would even be happy being a fish thrower at Pike's Market. I told him that he wouldn't need to go that far, and besides he wouldn't get that job because it is highly sought after and he would need to know someone in that field. I try to be supportive when I can be.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Yet another Sleepover.

On Friday, we had yet another sleepover with the boys. That would mean pizza, movies, video games, junk food and fun. Kaiyu thought it was funny to put himself in Ratchet's kennel. He even thought it was more funny to bring Kimi in. (she was thoroughly confused.) It is funny that we have all these video gaming systems, but the thing they fight over in our house is Travis' old banana chair.

So cute and cuddly...

This picture just makes me so happy to have the cute little pups. I am even more happy that they are snuggling together.

Craft Lake City

This weekend, Trav and I went down to Craft Lake City to see the 'essentric' side of crafts. There were a lot of great things to see and a lot of cute designs. (I would have bought something but I thoguht I could make a lot of it myself.) We had a few minutes to just relax and listen to some crazy alternative band that consisted of 2 violins, a bassist, drums, and a lady in a very see-through white dress that played the guitar.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

This is my Pity Party!

I want to say that I should have stuck with my New Years Resolution. There is a reason why we make those goals.... it is for our happiness. I have broken mine. Granted I only did it a few weeks ago. After saying we weren't going to worry about fertility issues this year, we decided to have laparoscopic surgery to find out about my fertility. The goals of the surgery was to a: make sure my uterus hadn't sucked up into itself because I am so bitter toward all the pregnant women and b: make sure everything looked good. Yes, my uterus is still there, and yes everything looked good. (Small, miniscule amount of Endometriosis, and a normal run of the mill cyst was all they found.) Still no closer to any answers regarding anything baby related. I would rather have had some big problem that would have given answers than no answer at all.
My feeling toward the whole fertility thing is that I don't feel like it is fair. None of it. I am going to be bitter about it. I am going to be annoyed with it. I don't see how after almost 4 years I have no family to show for it (no, in this argument, my dogs don't count as a family). I have had more emotion over this one topic than any other. I think I am to the point where I don't care if I hurt peoples feelings. I can read blog after blog about people with tons of kids that still aren't satisfied and want more. Maybe those people should realize all that they have and be thankful. I am really happy that a bunch of my friend have off the charts fertility and are baby making machines. I am in the capital of pregnant people (highest birthrate in the nation people, google it!). I guarantee that I can walk out on the street and see at least one herd of pregnant women walking around. I can see gaggle of strollers overflowing with children. I can see tired, exhausted parents coming back to work after adding that new addition to their families. I can name at least 5 of my facebook friends that are expecting. I am the odd man out of this game. So in the baby-makin' state, after my 4 years of trying (with apparent "bad timing" as some insensitive people like to say), I have two dogs and an extremely satisfied husband. So I guess all this rambling leads to some revelations a: I am crazy, b: I am sure I will offend some, and I am sorry about that but you have no idea how I feel unless you are in the EXACT same situation as me and c: apparently this is just how my life is supposed to be right now, even though this is the suckiest situation ever and d: always, always, always stick with your New Years resolutions because they are truly your pathway to happiness.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Relaxing weekend

Things that made this weekend great:
*Farmers Market with Jim and Angie to celebrate Angie's Birthday! (Happy Birthday, Angie!)
*Watching the dogs play at the Dog park (except when Ratchet jumped on 2 people and took another dogs frisbee!)
*Lounging around and doing ABSOLUTELY nothing!
*Going to the grocery store and spending less that I was expecting to spend.
*Watching Movies (Haunting in Conneticut (stupid but creepy), Benjamin Button (which was good but OH MY HELL could it be any longer!))with Travis while the dogs nap on the floor.
*Going to a movie when we weren't planning on it. (apparently we can take showers, get completely ready and take care of the dogs in 16 minutes.)
*Seeing Harry Potter, which was way good!
*Sleeping in until 8:00 on Sunday (yes, this is sleeping in for me.)
*Watching stupid shows all afternoon (including Cake Boss, some other show about a Bridal Store, a "Best Pranks Vol. 2" (which is lucky we understood what was going on especially since we didn't see the compilation show, Best Pranks Vol. 1), and a hodgepodge of Child-actor's all grown up shows. )
*Going to get Fountain Drinks which is our new Saturday activity.
*Watching Harold and Kumar go to White Castle right before bed on Sunday. (Don't judge me, that movie is the Funniest ever.)
Seriously, this weekend can be filed into the "Nothing got accomplished" file, but it was so great because of that.