Sunday, July 18, 2010

Do you ever wonder....

As I sit and hold my precious little one, I often wonder about what he thinks about. Usually the pictures I take help me to understand that there might be a tiny little piece of him already that thinks I am crazy!
Even from the hospital, I had the feeling that he thought I was a little nuts!

I think at this point of me taking pictures of him in the bath, he is feeling like I am stalking him like a paparazzi.Clearly, he is thinking I am nuts for putting him in this sunhat.... even though he is so freaking cute in it.


Mandy said...

I love the looks on his face. It really makes you wonder what he's thinking. He is so adorable!!! said...

Love that hat, and your boy well he is so cute! I can't get enough of that cute face!!!

Lawyer Mom said...

Oh, girl! Dress him up now, before he gets old enough to protest.