Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bloggers block

I have a serious case of writer's block. I have been wanting to write so badly, but have nothing to write about. I find that most of the stuff I do everyday is a little, um, dull... I don't think you all want to hear what baby food I feed baby or if I get to go on a walk or how many loads of laundry I did today. My creative brain has shrunk so much that I am contemplating asking Soder for idea advice. (It is getting serious people!)

Blogging is my therapy and I am failing at it because I have nothing noteworthy to comment on.... so bear with me for the next little bit. That is your warning, my next few blogs are going to be very random, because I am going to power through this and find my funk again!


Digger said...

Traffic is great at coming up with conceptual idea's that stretch a persons creativity. Trust me...I know.

carol l mckenna said...

Just write random words, or thoughts and let it go ~ harder you try ~ the worse it gets ~ we all feel that way ~ do something else ~ check out other blogs and it will return ~ hugs and namaste, artmusedog ^_^