Thursday, June 25, 2009

cold showers and pizza rolls...

Hey everyone!

I decided to do a little blog entry and let everyone know just exactly what has been going on while molly travels the continent of England like Samantha brown..

Well as molly flew to Paris France i was headed to Yellowstone!


we had a great time we saw buffalo.. elk.. and lots of rain... man it was cold and rainy.. but it was a great time!

so then i arrived back and decided to take a nice warm when i got home only to find out that the water heater was broke..

Coldest shower i have ever taken.....
in the interim i boiled water on the stove and used it for a bath which was an
that was on Monday it is now Thursday night and it is finally fixed...
so to celebrate instead of playing games like planed i have done laundry and have been pulled into...

its just like the i love series on vh1 but more Afro centric its hilarious.. they discuss every thing from 80's 90's and 00s' from fashion to movies to tv to music its a great show...
i was the biggest living single martin and in living color fan as well as a huge fan of the house party movies and class act sad that they dont show them anymore and the only mention they get is on vh1...
i dont know what it is about these i love shows that pull me in and never let go there was one time at new years eve that molly and i watched i love the 60's, 60's remix, 70's, 70's remix, 80's, 80's remix ,and 90's, 90's remix, all day long....they just suck me in... mesmerizing...

best line from the show is ice t saying "get out of here before i plant some weed on you" hilarious...

well time to do some dishes and laundry (if i can pull away from the tv) take care everyone!


1 comment:

Sodermoto said...

Great post.... I love those shows that show clips from the past. Sounds like one that would have me hooked to the television. Glad you got hot water now! Miss ya.