Saturday, February 28, 2009

Happy Birthday, Amy!

February starts off birthday season in our house. My sister, Amy's birthday is today.  I want to thank her for everything she has done for me over the years. (I mean that in a non sarcastic way, I am truly grateful for her).  
As many of you know, I was my niece's nanny for the first 3 years of her life.   My sister (and her husband, Mike) took me to Montana for two summers and drug me all across the continent to live in Peabody, MA for one. There were some hard times over those summers, but there were some really great times too. (I think the great times far out number the bad times.)  I will never forget all the experiences I have had with them.   Thanks for all that you have done for me!  And for always welcoming us with open arms when we come to visit!  You are seriously one of my two favorite sisters! We love you and hope that your birthday weekend totally rocks! 

Shout Out to JT!

I just want to wish one of our favorite cousin's a Happy Birthday! Jt you have always been so much fun to go with on trips (it was his idea to go to Jay Leno's show, and we went to a 311 concert in Vegas a few years ago). Thanks for coming over and having the WWE nights and keeping us laughing around the campfire when we are up at the Dam.  Also thanks for always showing Kimi the love! Hope you have a great year! We love ya! 

Friday, February 27, 2009

Reason 2466 for wanting a house....

I know lately I have been on this kick about how much I dislike my apartment complex. It isn't that I hate living here, it is just always difficult to live in an apartment because of the diverse group of people. On Tuesday afternoon, some new neighbors moved upstairs. So that night we put up with all the noise new neighbors bring with them and thought it was going to be great when the noise died down around 9:00. All was fine and dandy, until at 4:00 in the morning we were woken up by some loud obnoxious music coming from the upstairs. Travis (who is usually mild mannered) got up and was seriously so mad he went up to their door to tell them to knock it off. No one answered and about 10 minutes later we heard people upstairs and then the music stopped. I really don't like to be disturbed when I sleep so after that night they were getting on my bad side. On Wednesday night when I was again woken up by the loud noise of their music, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I jumped out of bed went to the hall closet where we have a hockey stick (I don't know why we have one, but we do) took the flat end and started banging on the ceiling. My method apparently works very well because the music immediately shut off and we have not heard anything from them at night anymore. So to all you apartment dwellers, a hockey stick works well to bang on the ceiling for noisy neighbors and it doesn't hurt the ceiling so you will get your deposit back!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

101th Post

We thought we would do a video post of for our 101th post. This is totally how we are. It is only about a minute so we hope you enjoy it.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The biggest secret ever!

When someone enters into a relationship, there are certain hobbies that your significant other enjoys and that you will have to learn to at least put up with.  My husband comes from a family with a lot of boy cousins.  His cousin JT and him (along with Ryan and Terrance) used to play WWF (World Wrestling Federation). They would wrestle and have tons of stories that tell about stuff they broke or when they used fertilizer as "Fuji Dust".  It is hilarious to listen to how they would always watch Wrestlemanias and Summerslams. My family never watched WWF ever. I knew who Hulk Hogan was, but my wrestler trivia past that was weak.  After we had dated for a while, Trav and JT decided to have a "WWF night".  It was the first experience with wrestling and it wasn't my last.  If  you have ever wanted to just be purely entertained, this is the show for you. It is like a soap opera with action!  Hillarious. Last night, we had a wrestle night and it was so much fun.  I love Hulk Hogan.  He seriously is a "Real American!" (they all have theme songs and that is his... just a little WWF humor!) Travis need to shave his beard off otherwise he is going to start looking like EARTHQUAKE (who has a finishing move where he jumps around then sits on the guys head). Classic!  There were also Tenryu and Kitau who were a Japanese Tag Team that won their match. (Asians Represent!)  In that round there was Mr. Fuji, who would throw "Fuji dust" in the opposing teams face. (it didn't happen last night, but I was hoping it would) 
Thanks JT for coming over and bringing Wrestlemania 7!  It was so much fun. 
(I photoshopped this picture of JT and Travis as the tag team, "Natural Disasters" (Earthquake (Travis) is on the left and Typhoon (JT)is on the right) 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Kimi and the Seatbelt....

Reason number 2,465 why I want a house...

I had an appointment at 10:30 to drop my passport application off today. When I came back home at about 10:55 a.m. there was a guy (another person from my apartment building) sitting on the stoop drinking a 44 of beer.  NICE!!!  I know there is nothing wrong with having a few drinks, but in my personal opinion, I think a beer before 11:00 a.m.  is a bit early.  At least I can never say that apartment life is boring! 

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Valentine's Travis

This year we decided to not spend money on each other for Valentine's (we bought the Big Bang Theory as a "present" last month) (I couldn't wait anymore, I finished it today!) So we have made our presents. Hopefully, it is not too mushy, but instead hilarious because that is how we are... crazy! This is dedicated to my Husband who is my best friend and who always makes me laugh.
Love ya, and thanks for the great year!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Poetry Out Loud

On Saturday night, we went to hear my friend, Amberlee read poetry at an event at the Salt Rock coffee in O-town.  It was an open mike event for anyone to read any poetry they wanted and was such a great event. It was different than what Trav and I would have normally done (which is usually stay at home and watch videos.) They had a musician that played in between some of the poems.  I really had a great time. Thanks for inviting us, Am.  You did a great job! 

Amy's real love!

Amy actually snuggling with her pup, Emma.  Awwwww, cute!  

Amy's Real Dishwasher....

I just found these pictures of cute little Emma, the Fitzie's dog as the prewash cycle for their dishwasher. As soon as she hears that door open she is right there ready to perform her duty!  Hillarious. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Is it a full moon or something?

I swear this week has been so odd. It seems like people who don't usually talk to me are having long conversations, and the ones that usually talk to me are forgetting my name. I think something must have created a funk that is freakin people out. I had one guy yesterday try to argue with me about how I am a new employee. I reassured him that I had been here for almost 5 months and that I am the p.m. receptionist. He seemed satisfied with that answer and continued to be a "sweet heart"! I don't know what it is but everybody seems kinda down all around. I hope we all snap out of it soon!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


As many of you know, I love facebook! I decided to share my love of the website with my mother, who is not very savvy on the computer. (she can find bejeweled on msn and occasionally check her email, but that is about the extent of it.) She was so excited to create a profile and then search her old classmates. She actually found her friend that she moved to San Francisco with. She hasn't talked to her in a long time and it was great to see her laugh and have fun when she discovered her. I hope that her friend actually replies back that would be so worth it. Way to go, Mom!

Breakfast on Saturday

On Saturday, we went to breakfast with Jim, Angie, Yia Yia and Papou to a great new restaurant (which I can't remember the name but it is in South Ogden on a golf course). It was delicious. I loved the country potatoes. I think the highlight of the breakfast was when Travis realized the group of older ladies was talking about their Wii Fits. (which sounds bad because the last post was about how I overheard some construction workers. We really don't mean to eavesdrop on everything!) They were like 55+ ladies all talking about how they love the game because it weighs them. Travis thought it was so cool. I love the fact that that crazy gaming system created such a diverse group of fans!