Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back to Reality

Sorry, I have lagged in the blogging department this last week. I have been a little burned out over coming home and trying to get back into the swing of things. I went off the grid for a bit because I had run out of things to say. No exciting stories, no funny antidotes, nothing to really report. I wasn't experiencing anything new, but actually the opposite. I guess I could have reported on how my skills as a receptionist didn't abandon me while I was away. I still am able to answer the phone lightening fast! And those dockets don't have a chance when they come across the outlook account. And as far as giggling smiling receptionist go, I think my position is safe and I am glad that I am back to fulfill my current calling in my life. Thanks again for all the well wishes and welcome backs. I am making a goal to resume my blog-stalking this week.


♥ Braja said...

Go ahead and stalk me all you like....:) said...

Glad your back!

Lawyer Mom said...

I love stalkers!

Glad you're back and almost over the jet lag.